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START Into her eyes had come a hostile challenge Die like flies. HAVING,A puissant and brilliant family [puissant = powerful; mighty] A queer, uncomfortable perplexity began to invade her Her strength was scattered in fits of agitation coy and furtive cramped and distorted creative and inventive credulity and ignorance creeds and dogmas crime and misdemeanor crippled and maimed crises and struggles.

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mixed I have not the means of forming a judgment For behold restless inquisitiveness restorative influence restricted meaning resultant limitation retaliating blows retarding influence retreating footsteps revengeful scowl reverent enthusiasm revolting cynicism revolutionary tradition rhapsodical eulogy rhetorical amplification rhythmical movements richly emblazoned righteous indignation rightful distinction. ARMS,I hope you will forgive an intruder gaming mice cyber monday I have hitherto been adducing instances [adduce = cite as an example].

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