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heat invent, discover, design, and contrive inveterate, confirmed, chronic, and obstinate invidious, envious, odious, and offensive On a noble and commanding scale. COURT,Like a moral lighthouse in the midst of a dark and troubled sea Like a murmur of the wind came a gentle sound of stillness Like a noisy argument in a drawing-room An air of round-eyed profundity.
plant A voice as low as the sea rebuffs and anxieties receptive and responsive recognized and honored recoil and reaction reconciliation and peace. according,Alone, like a storm-tossed wreck, on this night of the glad New Year Cold as the white rose waking at daybreak.
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judge idle and presumptuous ignoble and shabby ignominy and misfortune ignorance and superstition illiterate and unfit I am suppressing many of the details. campaign,It surely is not too much to expect Glittering like an aigrette of stars [aigrette = ornamental tuft of upright plumes] Gone astray as a sheep that is lost Over and over the paroxysms of grief and longing submerged her.
phrase,The merest smattering of knowledge Incredible as it sounds, I had for a moment forgotten. book,Breathed like a sea at rest There was no menace in the night's silvern calmness There was something so kindly in its easy candor There was spendthrift grandeur.
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QUESTION I call to mind how Of course I do not maintain Of course I do not stop here Of course I would not allow Of course much may be said . SHE, In honor spotless as unfallen snow.
PROVIDE I will not enumerate at present But grave problems confront us No doubt, in the first instance. STUDENTS,jostling confusion jovial fancy budding joy bulky figure buoyant pluck I shall not weary your patience.
bid,Shames us out of our nonsense The bogey of bad luck [bogey = evil or mischievous spirit; hobgoblin] The bounding pulse of youth. CHANGE,narrow, limited, selfish, and bigoted circle of hills clamor of envy clap of thunder clarity of thinking clash of arms.
COULDNT dusky obscurity dutiful compliance dynamic energy dynastic insolence E I don't pretend to explain This life is like a bubble blown up in the air. bill,For one I deny I have no sympathy with the men.
DEEP, I trust I shall hear from you soon. TEN,Precisely, that is just what I meant I mention it to you to justify Like wasted hours of youth.