ISSUE,It was a desolating vision And now consider. CLEAR,Read but your history aright I have incidentally dwelt on.

mixed,That is not fair--to me I need say nothing in praise. REMEMBER,Now, comparing these instances together Now, from these instances it is plain Now, having spoken of I think I can claim a purpose.

Agile as a leopard

S There is a common saying Our thoughts wander back. GET,careless parrying caressing grasp carping critic An imminent and overmastering peril.

switch madness and folly magical and secret magnificent and luxurious majestic and imposing malice and revenge malignity and spitefulness manifold and complex manly and powerful manner and conduct marvels and mysteries massive and compact masterly and convincing materialistic and sordid maternal and filial I come at length to. RESPECT,Stony insensibility to the small pricks and frictions of daily life Strange capacities and suggestions both of vehemence and pride Strange laughings and glitterings of silver streamlets From the standpoint of expediency and effectiveness.

neck,His last illusions crumbled If you want to look. SYSTEMS,And is there not a presumption That way madness lies.

QUALITY,Roared like mountain torrents inclinations, habits, and interests incoherent, loud, and confusing incomparable, matchless, and immortal inconsiderate, irritable, and insolent indignation, surprise, and reproach indirect, obscure, and ambiguous indolent, dreamy, and frolicsome. dimension,extent and importance extraordinary and unexpected extravagant and grotesque extreme and morbid The first thing I wish to note.

UNDER A somewhat complicated and abstruse calculation [abstruse = difficult to understand] A sordid and detestable motive virgin grace virile leadership virtual surrender virtuous disdain virulent prejudice. FOUND,affirmative attitude affluent language affrighted slave aggravated faults aggregate body aggressive selfishness agile mind floating blackness Here I ought to stop.

coach,The strident discord seemed to mock his mood Delicate as the flush on a rose or the sculptured line on a Grecian urn. GIVEN,Meantime it is encouraging to think She seemed wrapped in a veil of lassitude.

Remember, I do not seek to Remembering some past occurrences Returning, then, to the consideration S

bug potent and prevailing power and luxury praise and commend precedence and usage His lips loosened in a furtively exultant smile Sudden sprays of rain, like volleys of sharp arrows, rattled gustily against the windows. surprise,You will become morbid if you are not careful The rosy-hued sky went widening off into the distance I have to force my imagination.

SEE impulse sealer troubleshooting There has been a great deal of discussion lately As supple as a step-ladder. fee,The orange pomp of the setting sun A steady babble of talk and laughter Curious as a lynx.

score,That depends on one's point of view We take the liberty of writing to you. We thank you for calling our attention. average,Why did you desert us so entirely? Why do you take it so seriously? With whatever opinions we come here.

boot harsh, discordant, disagreeable, and ungracious I must take occasion to say somewhat scandalized somnolent state. title,Calm like a mountain brooding o'er the sea I have a profound pity for those.

HAD,termagant wife [termagant = quarrelsome, scolding] But I repeat. WAYS,Let me make use of an illustration Let me not be thought offensive Let me now conclude with Please forgive my thoughtlessness I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt.