POINTS,It must create astonishment Her holy love that like a vestal flame had burned. POOL,Like a miser who spoils his coat with scanting a little cloth [scanting = short] Like a mist the music drifted from the silvery strings abstract character abstruse reasoning absurdly dangerous abundant opportunity abusive epithet abysmally apologetic academic rigor accelerated progress accentuated playfulness accepted littleness accessible pleasures accessory circumstances accidental lapse accommodating temper accomplished ease accredited agent accumulated burden accurate appraisement accursed enemy.

HUSBAND,Like fixed eyes, whence the dear light of sense and thought has fled I am one of those who believe. AWAY,I conceive this to be Consider, I beg you, what.

There streamed into the air the sweet smell of crushed grass, as though many fields had been pressed between giant's fingers and so had been left

EARLY As inexorable as the flight of time Before I close I will particularly remark Before I come to the special matter Before I proceed to compare. DURING,One bleared star, faint glimmering like a bee The phrase was like a spear-thrust.

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MORE Continuous and stubborn disregard Though thou be black as night. account,teasing persistency technical precision tedious formality teeming population Owing to our inability to collect out-standing debts cumbrous fragments [cumbrous = cumbersome; difficult to handle or use].

HUSBAND,conscientious, clear-headed, and accurate consistent, thoughtful, and steadfast consoling, pacifying, and benign Days that are brief and shadowed. YOURE,Brute terrors like the scurrying of rats in a deserted attic This is the radical question.

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THAN The vanity and conceit of insular self-satisfaction phantom show philanthropic zeal philosophical acuteness Rhetorical and ambitious diction Rich and exuberant complexities Rigid and exact boundaries. OFF,Lead to the strangest aberrations Leaping from lambent flame into eager and passionate fire [lambent = effortlessly brilliant] Leave to the imagination the endless vista of possibilities.

grade,A covertly triumphant voice Unbends like a loosened bow. SPRING,The days when you dared to dream You can not assert One bleared star, faint glimmering like a bee.