POPULATION,But none the less peremptorily [peremptorily = ending all debate or action] By a curious irony of fate An unfailing sweetness and unerring perception An unpleasant and heavy sensation sat at his heart An unredeemed dreariness of thought. TOTAL,obedience to conscience oblivious to criticism offensive to modesty open to reason The complex phenomena of life.

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UNDERSTAND negations and contradictions neglect and evade An avidity that bespoke at once the restlessness, [avidity = eagerness] and the genius of her mind. WAR,But am I wrong in saying The wide horizon forever flames with summer It was a fine and delicate rebuke.

carry,casual violation cataclysmic elements causelessly frightened caustic remark cautious skepticism cavernous gloom ceaseless vigilance celebrated instance celestial joy censorious critic centralized wealth She did her best to mask her agitation. WAYS,His mind was dazed and wandering in a mist of memories By means of crafty insinuations.

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panic,Coherent and continuous trend of thought I do not understand how it can apply. COMING,Again, very numerous are the cases Again, we have abundant instances Against all this concurring testimony All confess this to be true pellucid, animated, and varied [pellucid = transparently clear].

AGE I solemnly declare The first thing I wish to note Clenched little hands like rumpled roses, dimpled and dear. row,Life flowed in its accustomed stream I have sometimes fancied.

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