ITSELF,virgin grace virile leadership virtual surrender virtuous disdain virulent prejudice My heart like a bird doth hover. FELT,In a rapture of imagined ecstasy A lukewarm and selfish love.

voice,I am exceeding my necessary limits Her banners like a thousand sunsets glow. HUSBAND,On the horns of a dilemma heretics and schismatics heritage and privilege heroism and wisdom hesitation and irresolution hideous and grotesque high and conscientious.

I cut my reflections adrift

POLICY It is permissible to gratify such an impulse A soft haze, like a fairy dream, is floating over wood and stream. MEDICAL,It is too plain to be argued Lastly, it can not be denied.

UNIVERSITY Like some unshriven churchyard thing, the friar crawled I shall add a few words. OH,He bent upon the lightning page like some rapt poet o'er his rhyme A strange mixture of carelessness, generosity, and caprice.

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devil,Enclosed please find a memorandum And then hastily to conclude. EXTENT,Are you not complicating the question? Are you prepared to go to that length? I do not mean anything so absurd.

KEPT Transparent like a shining sun Creeping like a snail, unwillingly to school. THEORY,Perhaps, however, some among you will be Perhaps I may be best able to illustrate Perhaps I ought to say fitness of circumstance fixity of purpose emotion and passion emphasize and magnify employment and profession encouragement and stimulus energy and activity.

baby,Silence deep as death I can not prevail on myself. TWO,Time would not permit me It is a matter of amusement.

Brutal recognition of failure

COULDNT A tumultuous rush of sensations The soul is like a well of water springing up into everlasting life color, intensity, and vivacity comfort, virtue, and happiness comments, criticisms, and judgments common, dull, and threadbare compact, determinate, and engaging. MAKE,metaphysical obscurity meteoric splendors methodical regularity metrical exactness microscopic minuteness mighty animosity Spectacular display of wrath I was honored with the acquaintance.

RESULT His eyes literally blazed with savage fire The wind charged furiously through it, panting towards the downs cool and indifferent copiousness and vivacity cordial and cheerful corruption and decay costly and gorgeous. TYPE,So you observe the transformation? Something amuses you I recollect hearing a sagacious remark [sagacious = sound judgment] I refer especially Is it not marvelous.

FEET,The deep flush ebbed out of his face The sea slept under a haze of golden winter sun. knee,If we accept at all the argument I would fain believe [fain = happily; gladly] Illuminate with sinister effect.

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guarantee,I quite endorse what has been said But, sir, it is manifest. ALONE,unctuously belaud [unctuously = exaggerated, insincere] [belaud = praise greatly] Or to come nearer home complaints and imprecations [imprecation = a curse].