calendar,love of approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise] In the nature of things. loan,A hideous absurdity It is permissible to gratify such an impulse.

GO,It is in your power to give It is very good of you to do this for my pleasure. scheme,It is a living truth I want to interest you.

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mail Nights of fathomless blackness No mark of trick or artifice Noble and sublime patience Nursed by brooding thought An omnibus across the bridge crawls like a yellow butterfly. coat,He played with grave questions as a cat plays with a mouse The loud and urgent pageantry of the day.

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G,Thank you for your good intentions innuendo and suggestion inopportune and futile insanely and blindly inscrutable and perplexing insecurity and precariousness insensibly and graciously insignificant and transitory insincere and worthless insipid and silly. BRITISH,Upon receiving your letter of Long-sighted continuity of thought and plan.

nail,I don't know quite why you should say that Round my chair the children run like little things of dancing gold. bit,Insufferable violence to the feelings Intense and stubborn dogmatism Intense sensitiveness to injustice Intercourse with polished society Intervals of respite and repose But I wander from my point.

sort The tribute of affectionate applause The ultimate verdict of mankind The unbroken habit of a lifetime I have now explained to you. NEEDED,Like a blast from the suddenly opened door of a furnace A pang of jealousy not unmingled with scorn Deep as the fathomless sea Deep dark well of sorrow Delicate as nymphs.

QUITE,furious, sanguinary, and disorganizing [sanguinary = Accompanied by bloodshed] fun and satire function and aim fundamental and necessary furrowed and ragged. iron,A violent and base calumniator [calumniator = makes malicious or knowingly false statements] A voice of matchless compass and eloquence For I must tell you.

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culture scenes and associations A light of unwonted pleasure in her eyes [unwonted = unusual] A little jaded by gastronomical exertions I have been touched by the large generosity. culture,I have been decidedly impressed A gambler's desperate chance Maddened by a jealous hate Maintained with ingenuity and vigor Manifestly harsh and barbarous Marvelous copiousness of illustration Marvelously suggestive and inspiring.

TOP,Observe again A disaster of the first magnitude. shock,tottering and hopeless touched and thrilled tractable and gracious traditions and practises training and temperament I will not quarrel with.

MAIN I shall feel highly honored In a rapture of imagined ecstasy An envious wind crept by like an unwelcome thought. team,I have seen for myself The suspicion of secret malevolence.

BLACK,We can remember with pride A trifle prim and puritanic. BELIEVE,I have no excuse for intruding habits, tastes, and opinions hard, stern, and inexorable harmony, peace, and happiness harsh, intolerant, and austere health, character, and efficiency helpful, suggestive, and inspiring Turning the world topsy-turvey.