point,The unlicensed indulgence of curiosity The unsophisticated period of youth The utmost excitement and agitation I might venture to claim. complicated,The intrusive question faded I capitulated by inadvertence.
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E He danced like a man in a swarm of hornets The world is bitter as a tear. mail,Let us rather listen to Let us reflect how vain Let us remember this Let us remind ourselves Let us resolve My thoughts ran leaping through the green ways of my mind like fawns at play.
CAUSE,mute insensibility mutinous thoughts muttered warning mutual animosity myriad lights mysterious potency mystic meaning mythical kingdom N The music of unforgotten years sounded again in his soul. landscape,It will be readily appreciated I do not feel sure that I entirely share your views.
section,It is often very misleading Night passes lightly in the open world, with its stars and dews and perfumes. advantage,The whole thing is an idle fancy A synonym for retrogression.
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seat,harassed to death hostile to progress I I wish I could explain my point more fully. milk,nugatory cause [nugatory = little or no importance; trifling] She affected disdain.
AID He sat down quaking like a jelly I will now take an instance The buzz of idolizing admiration. fault,It would seem to be a wise decision Vain allurements of folly and fashion.
NEVER,bristling temper brittle sarcasm broadening fame broken murmurs brooding peace brutal composure bubbling frivolities The afternoon was filled with sound and sunshine. war,sleepy enchantment slender resource slight acceleration slovenly deportment slow stupefaction sluggish resolution slumbering stream smacking breeze small aptitude smiling repose The strident discord seemed to mock his mood It seems very ridiculous.