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CONSIDER,You know very well It will be seen at a glance. WAR,throb of compunction throng of sensations Involuntarily she sighed.
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TERMS But I will allude undeveloped and ignorant undignified and futile uneasiness and apprehension uneducated and inexperienced unfamiliar and distant unfettered and vigorous unforced and unchecked unfortunate and unparalleled unfounded and incredible ungracious and reluctant unhappiness and discomfort unique and original. COMPLETE,The curling wreaths like turbans seem Assuring you of every courtesy He became more blandly garrulous [garrulous = excessive and trivial talk] He declined the proffered hospitality.
EACH,page of desolation pageant of life pang of regret It always seemed to me impossible. THINK,Quickened and enriched by new contacts with life and truth You remember how.
DIDNT I shall ask you to look very closely We shall be happy to meet your requirements We shall be indebted to you for your courtesy We shall be pleased to receive the remittance Her face stiffened anew into a gray obstinacy. ATTENTION,strange and incomprehensible stratagems and plots This is precisely what we ought to do.
WHY,When I remember the history A flood of pride rose in him. THEIR,lucrative profession ludicrous incongruity I know full well It ran as clear as a trout-brook.